Photos: International composition competition "Sounds of Children's Rights" in Vienna - Mr. Wu Yiming with his two students Maxwell Lu and Yihong Song, who won the competition.

"On the 30th anniversary of the founding of the Convention on the Rights of the Child (referred to as the Convention on the Rights of the Child), the Austrian Federal Chancellery, in cooperation with the Vienna University of Music and Performing Arts (mdw) and UNICEF Austria, organized the “Sounds of Children’s Rights” It is specially created for young composers, and initially expresses and describes "children's rights" in a creative way through musical means.Composers born after July 15, 2001 are entitled to participate in the international composition competition "Sounds of Children's Rights".The United Nations General Assembly of Member States adopted the Convention on the Rights of the Child on November 20, 1989. The Convention on the Rights of the Child (KRK) guarantees the personal, economic and cultural rights of every child (that is, boys and girls under the age of 18). Austria ratified the Convention on the Rights of the Child on August 6, 1992, and officially entered into force in Austria on September 5, 1992.The works of the finalists selected by the top expert group as part of the final concert of the composition competition, embodies the Convention on the Rights of the Child as the musical information of the children's rights symphony, as a whole work that integrates the rights of the children contained therein. It is not easy for Maxwell Lu and Yihong Song to be the only two awarded children in the United States. Except for Austria, only 5 people in the world have won awards."

Photos: National Youth Orchestra of the United States of America in New York - Mr. Wu Yiming with his students Lucy Chen, who was selected as the Apprentie Composer at NYO-USA 2023 Orchestra Roster.

Photos: National Young Composers Challenge in Orlando - Mr. Wu Yiming’ students Fabian Leung is the winner of 2023 YCC!